Monday, September 24, 2007

ASU...what a life!

Wow guys! Now thanks to Lindsay White- ur, I mean SHERMAN, I have a new way to waste my time. I would like to update all who do not know my life already....partly because I'm avoiding homework and partly because I think it will help me to remove frustrations I am holding on my current situation! I hope by writing this I do not offend anyone who reads this but instead, I hope it brings much delight and laughter. Because, I know what a busy life can be like and when you go on the internet, sometimes you just want an escape. Maybe this could be a portion of your escape...just maybe for me too!
I am 21 going on approximately 20 days. October really is the most fantastic month to have a birthday...despite what all the others may say/think. I find myself bewildered. (I apologize if that may seem to be too strong of a word for my feelings.) I've never been good with using big words. I think I get so excited to use a big word that I forget it should also make sense in the context in which you are using it. Anywho, the reason for saying bewildered is that I unfortunately feel like I failure for being 22 and not married and/or have a boyfriend. For crying outloud!!! I know everyone says "you're still young!" favorite is, "everyone feels like that." But, you know, i'm not seeing anyone struggle like I do. Do you know what it's like to have gone on literally 30 blind dates and NOT come out with at least 1 long term relationship?? Well- I do! Ya, it feels like crap.

Okay, I guess I can stop that little rampage I was heading down. I need to blow off steam somewhere. What better place to do it then a blog spot surely NOONE will ever read?!

So, apparently everyone loves those Twilight books. I most likely will be jumping on the bandwagon when school lets up. If they are as good and endulging as everyone claims, that series might be beneficial to me...especially since I dislike reading for no apparent reason. So, more to come.......... Thanks for reading...u sole reader out there!

1 comment:

lindsay said...

i seriously love you and am so glad that you started a blog!!!!
i will read it most often, i assure you!!!!

I am sorry i dont know any good single guys to hook you up with, and i cant honestly say i know what it's like to go on 30 blind dates at all!

But i hope you do find someone soon and are enjoying your time at ASU!