Friday, September 28, 2007

The Daily Grind

So, I just got done editing my last blog. I really should read through it before I post the darn thing. It's a pain in the neck to go back and find the mistakes. If this is the second blog you are reading of mine; I might seem a little negative or pesimistic. I promise I'm not like this all the time. It's school and homework that make me this angry green monster! They have me wrapped up in almost all of the stuff I hate. (You'd think I would like it since it's my major and all...right?!) You know what would be SO awesome? To buy a $500 camera and go to Jamaica or Hawaii and just take pictures-of anything and everything!

I was at work just the other day and I was a little (understatement) bored. So, to take my mind off of the boredom, I googled "sunsets on the beach". You should do it some time too. Wow! There were some amazing photos. But, I would have loved to have been looking at my own. Almost all of my life I have wanted to just take pictures. If you saw my collection on photographs in my room, you would see the truth to that statement. Anyways, the photography classes never fit into my schedule. And, where was I going to get a good, reliable camera for the class in the first place? Needless to say, I still wish to this day (hey-that rhymes!) that I could go off and take pictures. I would be like Anne Geddes. (Despite what others say, her name is pronounced "Get-eez". No substitutions. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!)

Seriously though, I love working with children...which is my major. (teacher) Every day I get a little more and more overwhelmed though that I'm not the right person for the job. Doing student teaching and taking classes at ASU for the teaching program is a lot of work. It's good in the fact that I get experience and then I go to class and get reinforcement of what I should be doing. But, they fill our brains with so much of "you should be doing this" and "this is how and why you do this" that I just am thinking- "ENOUGH ALREADY!" I get it! It's really important to engage them and to make the learning all interconnected! Bleh! Happy Friday

1 comment:

lindsay said...

i wanted to be a teacher for the longest time, and sometimes still do, but for all the hassle and work you have to do, they just dont pay enough. You will make such a fun teacher tho camille...and i'm sure you'll have the absolute cutest classroom! I wish i had more words of encouragement regarding school, but i'm not even enrolled this semester. I keep putting off my math classes, which i really need, but i am dreading them. I'd much rather take a photography class with you!!!