Friday, November 30, 2007

Rainy Day Jibberish

Maybe it's the lack of sun today but I'm feeling blue....perhaps I should read the blue day book Kim Heywood gave to me. I dunno. I have an overwhelming sense of failure in my life. I blame ASU!

As I was finishing up my student teaching this semester, my ASU Supervisor had the gall to tell me he didn't think I was really passionate about teaching. Who is HE to tell me I don't have a passion for teaching?!!! Seriously? OK, so then he goes on to ask me, "Maybe you could give tours in a museum for students." I don't think I've been more offended in my life!!! Do I look like a gosh darn dull idiot who is only capable of walking around a freaking museum as my JOB??? Ya, so I'm obviously distraught by this.

Today it was hitting me that I really honestly don't have a passion for ANYTHING! Who seriously pops out of bed and says, "I can't wait to get to work today!" I don't even have a real passion for my hobbies! I love scrap booking but I often get out my supplies and then I get dis-interested in it and then put it away. What is wrong with me? Am I the only one that feels this way?? How could I subject myself to 4 years of college only to find that I don't REALLY want to be a teacher? Someone please tell me it's normal to doubt your career path! Stupid ASU. I don't want to say that these last years of schooling have been a waste but.... And I sure as heck ain't gonna be a life-long student!!!!!!!! You know, I would be perfectly content with just staying in bed all day every day. Is that so horrible? Too bad the one thing wrong with that is how would I pay my bills?! Aaaaaahhhhhh! Gosh darn my infirmities!!!

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