Friday, February 8, 2008


This 3 Syllable word is how I would describe the Mesa Community College campus on a Friday evening. I suspect any other college campus would follow this same pattern. I was almost worried that I wasn't suppose to be wandering around the grounds at 2:30 pm because I literally saw NOONE from the time I left my car in the parking lot til the moment I entered into the library corridors. Where could everyone have gone? I realize a lot of the classes offered go M/W or T/TH but a lot of them go M/W/ and F. And, since when does the weekend include a full day on Friday as well? ...How come no one informed of this change?

Well, I don't know why I'm griping. If you could call it that. I was just really astonished today to really feel out of place as I was walking to the computer lab. I suppose I should be grateful huh? After all, that means less people to fight for a good parking spot (which are rare to come by at MCC for some crazy reason) and less smokers to pass through while holding my breath. Haha...i wonder if I'm the only person that does that...

Well, After reading the comments from my last post I want to thank those readers. I'm glad to always hear any and all input on my grievances and/or misunderstandings. I'm so pleased to hear that "the marrieds" don't intend on leaving me out of their social life and they still do care to hang out. And my sis is right, I am still young for such finalities as marriage. It's just hard sometimes when what you had hoped for doesn't come until about 5 or 10 years later. It's a disappointment in part and hard to shift your goals to something other than your original plan. It happens though and while I complain quite a bit it seems (unfortunately), I'm not totally unsatisfied with life. I have not lost any limbs so I think that puts me in good standing...compared to some. haha.


Geevz said...

cool I'm your first commenter! Why is it that schools without people all over them are kinda creepy? Even as a big kid grown up teacher I feel weird when I'm around school and there aren't any kids about.

bradleyjohn said...

I always wanted one of those sweet M/W classes. As it is, I'm there on campus with you only Friday. Only I get out at noon :)

Anonymous said...

oh how I wish I had the three day weekend, I too am stranded at school on Fridays. TA meeting and class, boo.
ASU isn't quite as dead on Fridays, but it has its creepy times.
Anytime before 7:30 am...

Travis Butterfield said...

I ALWAYS hold my breath when I walk by smokers!!!

p.s. nice blog!!

Travis Butterfield said...

I totally understand the frustration of not being married at the time in your life that you wished to. I wanted to be married within a year or two of getting home from my mission. And now I've been home EIGHT full years. Not exactly what I had hoped for. But, I firmly believe that the Lord has a plan for me, and as long as I try my best, I'll eventually find the right person. I believe the same goes for everyone - and if someone is unfortunate enough to not get married in this life, they will get a huge amount of blessings in the next life. My great aunt never married, and she always jokes that she's holding out for Joseph Smith's older brother Alvin when she gets to the other side. Pretty funny. But, I'm sure she'll get someone equally amazing!

indeazgirl said...

So you're 22 now, were you planning on getting married at 12 or 17?
Some exciting things about not getting married:
-Keeping your stomach looking the way it did when you were 18
-Time. Time to kiss a variety of people and realize how fun different people are in different ways. And realizing the first person you love won't necessarily be the person you marry.
-Being able to sleep in
-Trying out recipes that he would never eat.
ok, there's more, but I'll leave it for now :o)
Love ya, cc

indeazgirl said...

Sorry about this...Is that your family flipping up there at the top? Are those hot guys' backs single? Just wondering.... :o)