Monday, February 25, 2008

The Game: TAG

So, these are the rules of the game... Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player tags 4 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they are tagged.

1) Where I was 10 years ago: I was 12 just like S.S.S.N., I was @ Franklin East Elementary and I was living in the same house I am now and I was definitely less spiritual and less intelligent about boys. haha.

2) 5 things on my "to do list" today: Write my photography paper, put clothes in dryer, clean room, brush teeth, go to ASU appt.

3) Things I would do if I became a billionaire: Pay tithing of course, pay car off, pay off credit card, new bed (no more bunk bed), get A/C fixed in car, move out of parent's house, pay parent's debt off, throw the most off the hook bridal shower for Kim, better camera, pay more tithing, new wardrobe...

4) 3 Of my Bad Habits: Dare I say-pickin zits even though i know better :(, Purposely not being as sociable as I could be, not reading my scriptures....SAD

5) 5 places I've lived: Gilbert, Provo UT-"The Mesa", Tempe-Bali Lanai Apartments, Mesa,...yep, that's it i guess

6)5 Jobs I've had: 1st job to most recent-Stapley Jr High Cafeteria, Big Surf, Jamba Juice, Lehi Elementary-Teacher's Aide, Accounting Office assistant

7)Somethings Most People Don't Know About Me: I graduate in almost exactly 1 yr, I have slept on a bunk bed my whole life, including the 2 times i moved away from home!

I tag Lindsay-Sherman White, Candice Reidhead, Tessa B., and Ariana S. :)

1 comment:

lindsay said...

wait a sec, is Kim Heywood engaged?!?!?!?!