Saturday, March 22, 2008

Partying is for Sissies!

I'm really curious... Is there a certain age when all the parties get boring and I've hit that age or am I just a lame-o hermit?! Whatever the case is, I have begun to resort to sitting at home on the weekends. How sad is that? I prefer to watch a movie alone in my room rather than socialize with people.

So, in that respect-it's really funny that I look forward to the many of my counterparts do. And, at least they probably do something worth while wh
en they aren't in school or work. But, no-not me.
Then, when Monday rolls around I am sad that I don't have any cool stories to tell anyone...cause you know they all ask! It goes like this: "Hey d'you do anything this weekend?" and i proceed to say "no" and then the question goes back to them and their story goes on and on.

Today was a particularly busy day...and yet, I really did nothing of consequence....Cleaned the house, ran an errand, worked, went to a family party, and worked some more. Bet you wish you were me huh? Yep, that's what I thought. On the flip side-I think I do this to myself on purpose. Cause, I'm trying to save money these days and that kind of forces me into the ultimatum- go out and spend money or stay in and SAVE! ha ha. You know, if gas weren't so darn expensive these days...maybe I'd actually go to parties...? Well, the bright side is-I can quote most clean movies verbatim. And I can usually tell you what movie the quote came from. It's a fun talent to possess and really hasn't gotten me anywhere in life. Maybe I should start up a business having relation to that talent? Don't know how successful it would be... Oh ya, and uh....HAPPY EASTER!!!! :)


indeazgirl said...

Yes. There is an age. It's 25 and a half. Then you hit 27 and start making your own. :o)....I'm not sure what happens between those two ages.
(Anyways, there are days when family time and cleaning the house are simply the best things you can do!)

Camille said...

Oh, gosh--story of my life.