Friday, May 23, 2008

I Give Up!

I'm tired of pretending and trying to make a relationship work. Nothing has ever come of it and it seems that nothing will. People always tell me that love will find you when you least expect it. For the longest time I tried to believe that so I stopped asking guys out. I made myself available at all of the church activities. I tried to "flirt" and be sociable. Ya, that was lame and unprofitable.

Another thing-my girl friends always say boys are dumb/stupid/idiots. I thought that was unfair of them so I always defended the boys saying, "you know what? Girls are equally as dumb." And I'm not gunna go back on what I said about girls cause sometimes girls do act idiotic to get attention or whatever. But now, I agree with what they said about boys. I have not met ONE intelligent/sensitive guy. There is always something wrong with them. Ugh! There is no longer such thing as "the one" or "prince-charming". That is a fantasy that only happens in books and Disney movies. The truth hurts sometimes...just like learning about some of the popular holiday mascots.

Now that my single friends from high school and freshman year of college are becoming more and more scarce, I find myself worrying... Why am I stuck having to make new friends while they galavant all over with "the one"?

Oh, ya, PS- I LOVE rain!!!!! And it rained yesterday...So, besides the aforementioned topic, Life is GREAT!


indeazgirl said...

So frustrating! Maybe what has helped being single for a pretty long while is the fact that I have met and kind of dated 3 or 4 really really great guys. The thing is, look for cool people, not only "The One." That's my advice. If somebody had told me that the first person I loved would not be the one I would marry, I would have been pretty pumped to see what that was all about. And it's been fun.
And so have all the new since-high school friends. That's been really cool. I mean, aren't you glad I'm not in a family ward?!

Candi said...

dont worry sister your not the only one. I know youre a year older but I am stilling waiting too. Its hard to see everyone get married while I sit back and wait but I try to remember that my day will come. So focus on something else like your career, prince charming will show up eventually :) have hope

Anonymous said...

I'm going to harass you for just a minute. When are you going to post again? I miss reading about your fantabulous life. And have no fear, you'll get nabbed by some guy some day. Just love everyday you've got and do what you love.