Friday, May 9, 2008

It's finally getting good

Well, I am very proud to say that all of my hard work was not in vain! School is over finally...for the semester anyways. I studied well, a little bit...and i passed just like I thought (B's and above). I'm no straight-A student so I'm fairly satisfied with those scores. The best part about being done is the relieved feeling and not having to constantly think, "oh my gosh, ok what assignment is coming?" and "what do i need to do to get it done?" or rather "what is the least amount of effort I could do to accomplish the assignment while getting a really good grade?". The funny thing about taking classes at a community college is that the teachers are usually a bit easier on you than at a University level...that's just been my experience anyways.

Let's see....what else am I missing? OH ya, my friend that came home from his trip got back on Tuesday and we went on a good date last night...(Friday). We did a little night hike to Squaw Peak, ate dinner at the end and watched a movie in a deserted Retention Basin somewhere in Mesa....details left up to the reader's imagination...nothing x-rated though-Promise! I kinda was hoping for the date to end up this way but didn't really expect it to...surprise, surprise!

And, to finish up this crazy week...tonight is my stake's Enrichment Humanitarian Project event. We'll be getting rid of all of the supplies my ward has gathered for the past two weeks for some newborn kits. I have been practically pulling my hair for all of these items to come together and it's finally all over. Can i get a HALLELUJAH?! Who ever thought to put this event at the end of a semester CLEARLY is not a college student...or they would have known that this was totally bad timing for us. What student has time for anything else but school work at the end of a semester?!!! Not I! But, the storm is over so am I really not mad anymore. Just annoyed at poor planning. If I had to do it again...I'd definitely say no like Ariana said though. She is right...if you know you can't handle more, learn to just say "no!" :)

1 comment:

Candi said...

Im with you!! I love that school is over!!! Seriously the other day Im driving home and I began to think, wait I dont have to go home and do homework!!!!!! wow life is good again!