Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Little Embarrassed and A LOT grossed out!

So, last night as I was lying in bed and watching the news I heard the words "public pools closed" and thought nothing of it. Then I continued to listen to the story and they added, "and Tempe's Splash Park is closed as well for cleaning". You can only imagine what I begin to think remembering I was just at that park a week ago. (See 2 posts ago) I once raved about this water park for FREE. Anywho, the story about why the park closed: Apparently people were getting sick and the Public Health people went around testing the water and found similar bacteria in several Phoenix area pools...including my water park. :(

It was extremely gross to think that I w
as playing in that same water with all that bacteria floating around. I never found out what kind of sickness was going around but I do know that shortly after my visit to the park my little sister got sick and then I got sick. So GROSS. Please tell me that sickness didn't come from the public park!

I'm grossed out and can't believe I told anyone to go there. So, maybe it's bad I'm posting this because it makes me sound kind of bad but whatever, at least I'm coming clean (haha...pun) and telling you what you should be aware of before you go to any public water facility. Truth: Chlorine can't kill ALL existing bacteria. False: Never go to public pools ever again or you will get sick. I have gone to many public pools in my life and don't connect any of the times I've been sick to those days....or those I can recall.

You'll hopefully be happy to know that all of those pools and the park I mentioned should be safe and running in a few days...if not by today.


Anonymous said...

Tempe's Splash Park didn't actually have any of the bacteria there, it was being cleaned merely as a precaution. So no worries! You weren't exposed. :]

Merkley Jiating said...

I spent my life in public pools and I am still alive. :-) How are you?!