Monday, November 10, 2008

Guess I Should Get Out More?!

So, I walked into church yesterday and a member of the bishopric looks at me and sticks out his hand and says, "Hi, are you new here?" So, I hid my "Are you SERIOUS?" face and said politely "Nope, you've actually met me before (TWICE ACTUALLY...) He then said "oh, okay", and moved on to the next church-goers. So, just to let you know, I've been in my current singles ward for, oh, 2 years?!!!

That's just sick.

Maybe I put too much make up on yesterday. I have been getting tips from and trying them out...but I didn't think I had drastically changed my look.

And, I did curl my hair for once. (I always straighten it). Maybe that's what threw him off.

Maybe, my white dress made me look different. I never wear it cause it's my sisters...and she's outta town. (oops, sorry Colleen if you are reading this-can I borrow your dress?) haha

Maybe I just looked incredibly short and that threw him for a loop cause he didn't realize how short I was in real life? ...PRETTY short!...

(I looked at a graph over the weekend and I'm in the bottom 50% heighth range for girls my age. Sad).

And maybe it's because he came into the ward in August and he doesn't know names and faces yet...there are a few hundred of us singles floating around the building each week. Okay, let's just leave it at that last conclusion....i hope.


Merkley Jiating said...

Did you find out about classycosmetics through my blog? I am in shock right now. Do you know Jen?

Merkley Jiating said...

I win eye shadow! I keep forgetting to call her so we can choose a color. Oops.

Merkley Jiating said...

I have no idea what brand. I am a busy person! Calm down, chica!

Amy said...

Don't feel too bad. I was in the RS presidency and some of the singles ward leaders didn't know who I was. You are so close to graduating! Woo who!

colleenroselle said...

ahahahahaha 1. i do not care if you borrow my stuff just as long as its all there in ten days when i am home!
and 2. that is so funny i laughed really hard for a little bit. poor camille!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Is there a new bishopric?

Jen said...

It could NOT have been the makeup!!!! I mean let's be honest here I am sure you looked FABULOUS!!!! =)

indeazgirl said...

Maybe your white dress and darling red cardigan looked so INCREDIBLY HOT he couldn't even think straight. I, for one, was thrown off.
Beautiful choice. :o)

Candi said...

your too funny!! Dont worry, next time he will totally remember you since you called him out.

Merkley Jiating said...

I am glad you understand what I was trying to say in that post. Some people freaked out that I hate all pregnant people or something.

Photography By Jo said...

I'm so bad with names and faces so I bet I would be one to do the same thing.