Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Embarrassing to say the LEAST

Yep, yesterday I made it to my daily fastfood joint. Okay, no-I don't go everyday but occasionally I pick up food for my mom or dad and sometimes myself while I'm at it. Any who, at this particular Taco Bell I had been there a few days earlier on a food errand... my parents were too busy at work to get their own lunch.

Well, wouldn't you know it? The cashier was the SAME guy from that run I made a few days ago. You know what he says to me? "OH, it's good to see you again!"

What does one say to the fast-food man when he says this??!!

By the way, let's think about this...he probably sees tens to hundreds of customers over the course of 3 days!

Okay, maybe he has a fantastic memory?

Long story short, I ended up telling him, "Good to see you again too!" ...cause that automatically rolled off my tongue...and I suppose I was trying to be very polite so I did not aggravate him. I fear having my food spit on. Irrational you say? ...maybe.

Moral of the story? ...if you're gunna be a frequent fast-food flyer...try visiting other joints.


Travis Butterfield said...

he probably just thinks you're cute.

Amy said...

LOL! Don't feel too bad. I went to WalMart 2 days this week cuz I forgot something, and had the same person at the register both times. I think she recognized me, but thought I was weird, so didin't say anything.

lindsay said...

i have heard of etsy and actually have a site set up...just no pictures or anything. it costs 20 cents per item, and then they have a 3% charge on everything you sell - so that's kinda rough when you dont have any money and are making lame bows to begin with for just a few bucks. I think when i get a real job tho, i'll be able to fully set it up and post pictures and make it cute.

lindsay said...

i dont think it costs anything to get in. it doesnt mention it anywhere on their website, but i'll ask the lady for sure tomorrow when i call her. I dont know where my booth will be, i wont know until friday night. But it should be free to come walk around, and there is even a 10% off coupon in the paper that came out today for any of the stuff there. should be fun, and i'd love to at least say hi to you there! and if you could spread the word that would be great! - the more people who know about it and show up, the better!!!

Michele said...

Hey!!! I create movies from pictures by putting them to music (like a slideshow) or video. Then I create DVD menus and put the movies on them. So you could have your own personal DVD. I've done all sorts of different ones (weddings, anniversaries, school plays, and one for marching band season). It is really neat and an great way to preserve memories and share them with family.

Photography By Jo said...

I'm sure he just has a good memory ;)

Photography By Jo said...
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