Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My head is going to explode!

I wish there wasn't all this confidentiality mumbo-jumbo or you guys would have a hoot and a half with how much I have learned from these children...and how much of an idiot I learned that I TRULY am. Regardless, here is a *name revised recount of recess duty today.

4 Students come bounding up to me on the playground:

Student 1: Miss Beaty, Do you think it's possible to be part cat? Sophie says that she is part cat.

Me: Hm...Well, I don't know. I haven't met everyone in the world. People do have nails and hair all over their body. I guess the only thing missing is the tail.

Student 2: But we don't have whiskers.

Me: Ya, that's true.

(Later on in the day as I was remembering this conversation I remembered that there is some lady I have seen on tv that has had plastic surgery to look like a cat. She looks more horrific than cat-like if you ask me!)

P.S...the title of this post wasn't in regard to the events that I retold just now, it's in regard to the amount of information (unbelievably) that a teacher (specifically my mentor teacher) has to remember throughout the day...I'll tell you some other time...I have to prepare a lesson for tomorrow for the BILLIONTH time right now.


Candi said...

Kids are funny! The things they come up with, is so sweet and innocent, keeping you on your toes. :)

indeazgirl said...

I always think of starting a blog about our very crazy patients without identifying information. If it wasn't for the craziness, though, we'd all go insane!