Friday, December 30, 2011


So I have a food problem. I'm ALWAYS thinking about it. How I can get some more. When I'm going to get some again. How I can make some for "someone else".

How do you deal with food issues? Sugar is my biggest weakness. If there is a sale on candy (basically a TON right now with Christmas finishing), I will buy more than I need. For some reason I have a hard time giving it away to people because after all, I bought it!

Help me PLEASE!!! Get the food off my brain...and off my hips!


Kelsey Beaty said...

Um Camille you dont have hips you skinny little thing. :)

Kelsey Beaty said...

Um Camille, you dont have hips you skinny little thing! :)

Kelsey Beaty said...

Um Camille you dont have hips you skinny little thing. :)

Geevz said...

I can't help you. I have no discipline when it comes to food. When I'm trying to be good, I try and listen to whether my body REALLY wants to eat it or not. If yes, then I eat and enjoy it. The entire bad of peanut M&M's sometimes worth the workout I do the next day.

Don't diet, just exercise :) Leads to much more happiness.

P.S. You are a skinny mini with a waist I am jealous of. Forget dieting :)

Kelsey Beaty said...

What happened I really did not comment three times! Haha