Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Changes are Coming

Oh life.
Candy's little boy was trying on Karie's Halloween wig.
Karie's name tag I just HAD to take a pic of...

I told my boss I would be quitting in the Fall...maybe a little pre-emptive unfortunately. I interviewed for a teaching job at a charter school down the street from me a few weeks ago. I didn't get an absolute yes but the owner showed me around the school and I think that is a good sign. Anyway, I am planning on that job coming through... I need insurance and the fact that I didn't get taxes taken out ALL year means that I may have to pay around 1500...makes me rethink my current job seriously!
These are just some pictures I took when we were all hanging out as a family before Karie left.

1 comment:

Merkley Jiating said...

So strange that Karie is gone. Weird weird weird. I have noticed a decline in boy stories. Did he start reading your blog or something?