Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sick, Sick, Sick

I have been sick for over 7 days now.  UGH.  It is horrible to try and teach with a cold.  I can't sleep at night because of it.  Teaching when I'm so gosh darn tired is really tough, in case you didn't know.  I'm trying to stay positive but it's really difficult when even on my days off, I can't enjoy myself because I'm coughing up phlegm *TMI* and blowing my nose.  Here's to hoping a better week is on it's way.  One where I don't hear about a parent complaining about me to another teacher...  Yep, that's right.  How awful to hear a parent thinks I'm doing a horrible job.  Not only that, they call up another teacher to tell them about it.  I feel excellent!  NOT.  :)  I can be positive.  Today was my husband's birthday!  I tried to make it special...but, now it's time for bed.  nighty night.


jeanene c said...

Try running a humidifier in your room at night. Cuts the coughing. Also see that you are drinking huge amounts of water!

jeanene c said...

Try running a humidifier in your room at night. Cuts the coughing. Also see that you are drinking huge amounts of water!