Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jamba Reunion

Well, it'd been a while since I'd seen all my old co-workers at Jamba Juice so we got together the other night for a little swim and barbeque...oh ya, EXCEPT for the swimming and barbequing part. HA!
We did plan on doing those things but plans were thwarted when the hostess' office staff shocked the pool and it was windy and rainy.
We tried the other pool at the apartment complex but to no avail, it was closed too. Here are some pictures of us just standing around waiting on someone to pick the and open the gate by the handle. I truly think the 2 little babes were more patient than us adults! They didn't fuss or cry at all while we walked around aimlessly for 25 minutes.
Regardless of the failed attempts to party it up at our reunion it was so good to see everyone again!


Amy Legler said...

Aww can you email me a copy of the pictures???
Thank you! And it was so fun!!!

Merkley Jiating said...

How sad that the weather ruined your party! I remember when you worked at Jamba Juice. Holy smokes. That feels like so long ago. Have you worked there again since... when was it? My sophomore year?

I got my diploma in the mail earlier this week. I cannot believe that yours takes 12 weeks! I think official transcripts cost around $5. But you have to request them in person or in writing. Which is lame. Especially if you no longer live in the state. $15 for a transcript is ridiculous though. They are YOUR records!

Can you BELIEVE that Matthew is engaged? So gross. She actually kisses him! SICK!

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Ok... Love the new layout of the blog!

Love that you worked at Jamba Juice!

Love that you love reading my blog right now because I am really the happiest I have ever been and it is so fun to document!

Oh and so jealous about Alaska!