Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Promises, Promises

I've made many a promises about showing pictures about my Alaskan Adventure. Now I will deliver...SOME of them.

The Tram down town....which I desperately want to ride!!!!!!!! I just need time and one of the boys in my ward to sneak me in..."I think I can, I think I can..."

This is a close up of one of the cruise ships downtown. Way cool! It was called Celebrity Cruises. (Not sure if that means there were celebrities on board). ALSO, those people on deck were going through emergency procedures...If you'll notice, they've all got life jackets on. Interesting.

These are 2 of the girls I'm with all week. They were showing me around on one of our nature walks. It's a little embarassing when a 9 & 4 year old know more about nature than a 23 year old. Oh well. :)

This is one of the many trolleys I see daily. It's so cute and old fashioned!

I made blueberry crisp for the first time last week while the parents were away. It was a recipe out of the June Martha Steward magazine. The kids didn't care for it but I LOVED it. I would definitely make it again...I've got the recipe somewhere here...oh, whatever. If you want the recipe you can call/email me. :)


Whitni Watkins said...

hey um i believe you have a certain task to mark of your to do list...cough move out of parents house cough cough

Alaska isn't home

Geevz said...

Fun! It looks like you are living it up!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Mmmm, that blueberry crip looks delish! I don't know anything about nature either.. for heaven's sake we grew up in the DESERT! Cute little girls. It looks beautiful there Camille!!