Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Camera is Retarded!

I keep trying to upload more Alaska photos straight from my camera and every time I do, my computer freezes. UGH! I wish I knew what was wrong... I probably got a virus using all these free wi-fi internet. A-nnoying!

Anywho, here are some long lost photos...hopefully not posted yet. Enjoy.

(Post would be longer and more detailed but I'm getting a headache and my stomache is growling oober loud in this library and it's a bit embarrassing!)

Kids' puzzle we did together and wanted proof.

Yes, these are from the 4th of July. I know. Lame! But cute.

Waiting for the parade to start...people were selling Krispy Kremes. It was so weird. (Cause there is no Krispy Kreme in Juneau. That means they flew them in from Sitka or Anchorage or something.)Even weirder, one of my friends bought some.

Yeah, ROOMMATE! :)

SERIOUSLY- ONLY in Juneau, AK will you find a storm trooper in an independence day parade!!!

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