Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Favorite Things!!!

OH, I am most definitely loving life right now! Pretty much no cares in the world! :)

Let me count the ways I LOVE life:

*I sleep through the night FINALLY...because I have an amazing bed!

*I wake up to the sound of silence!

*It's the perfect temperature in my room!

*I don't have to wait in line for the bathroom...or share it for that matter!

*I get whatever I want for breakfast! (Usually yogurt and a pastry)

*I can watch whatever I want on sharing the remote

*I take as long in the shower/bath that I want!

*I eat whatever for lunch.

*Work is so chill...I really enjoy picking up the kids from school

*I get hot chocolate before bed! ...haha really insignificant

*Dance parties in front of the mirror without judgment from anyone

*All the internet in THE WORLD without having to leave my room!!!

OHHHH!!! Life is SOO good right now. And could it get any better? I submit that it could...having a guy by my side...but I'll settle for this as a mere close second!


Jonathan and Sarah said...

So happy to hear that you're HAPPY! I love it when life is just GOOD!

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Good to hear!
I think that the key to a good life is a good bed.

If you have the one... the rest should fall into place!

Jeff and Kelsey said...

Sounds like a receipe for getting fat.