Monday, September 7, 2009


I'm seriously such a klutz at times! (Another reason I should be Bella for Halloween-haha)

Par example:

I was trying to pull a jacket out of my hamper with my foot. (why? I dunno) (Dumb to use my FOOT? Yes.)

I had a bowl of cereal cradled against my side with my left arm.

The foot efforts were useless so I started to bend down with my right arm outstretched to help pull the jacket loose. No sooner had I done this when my bowl came crashing down into the hamper.

Now, normally it wouldn't be a big deal...the hamper is for dirty clothes. Dirty clothes getting dirtier? Seriously--NO. Big. Deal. EXCEPT------

My laptop was sitting on the corner of the hamper...with my new iTouch on top of it.

A squeal was released from me loudly...though, I don't know why, there were no family members nearby to inquire about the sound.

UGH!!! I spilled Trix and milk ALL OVER the laptop and ipod. In my haste to clean up the mess before it did real damage, I started sucking the milk up with my mouth*.

*I haven't cleaned my laptop in, there was a quite a bit of dust on the outside. At this point, I wasn't concerned about germs or my health, I just didn't want 1,000 dollars to get thrown away! Moral of the story: Don't use your feet to pick up objects when your standing over expensive electronics and holding liquids.

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