Monday, November 2, 2009

J-O-B! That Spells JOB!

Ladies and gentlemen, the amazing has happened.

I got a job! All thanks to my good friend Kim who isn't convinced she needs a blog just yet...don't worry...I'll persuade her soon enough...

Anyways, my job title is: "reading specialist". (I put "" because I'm not sure how special of a reading instructor I really am.) Another lady and I visit different schools and pull kids out to work on their reading and math skills.

How I got the job is a really neat turn of events....and sort of a short and long story.

All I can say is thank goodness for networking! And an even BIGGER thank goodness to not even needing to do an interview (cause they make me sweaty-pits nervous)...and finally...if you can imagine it, an even BIGGER THANK GOODNESS to starting the job THE DAY AFTER I received the call.

I really hope it works out! :)


Candi said...


Bethany said...

Congratulations on your new job, now can you hook me up with one?! haha