Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Cat Loves Twilight TOO!!!


Bethany said...

haha this picture is amazing! Okay so I thought this one was waaaaayyyy better than the first two! Its challenging for me to sit through the first one because its such bad acting and special effects! But yeah I actually thought the Jacob's kisses were true to the book, so they didn't bother me! And the acting was way better, Kristen Stewart didn't moan while being kissed which she does in the second one and it is uncomfortable and she didn't blink a million times like a bafoon which i was grateful for! Also Robert Pattinson didn't sound constipated while trying to imitate an american accent which he does in the first two! So yeah I liked this one a whole lot better! haha. So have you been watching SYTYCD? I just blogged about wednesday nights episode! haha

Merkley Jiating said...

Where are your sheets?!

Merkley Jiating said...

We canceled our cable for the summer so I am not watching SYTYCD this season. I watched the auditions but haven't seen anything for a month. Kind of sad, but last season was the first season I ever watched. So I know I have missed it before and I can miss it again.

I do watch The Bachelorette on Hulu. But Ali is starting to bug me so I just want the season to end. The Jake/Vienna drama was pretty entertaining. I actually thought Jake was going to hit her.

I thought Eclipse was fun. I am not really obsessed with Twilight though. When I see the movies, I think to myself, "Why was I ever even interested in the book?" But there was less whining in Eclipse and we didn't have to watch Bella brood for seven scenes so that was a plus. It was the best of the Twilight Saga so far and I thought it was good.