Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fat Man. EW!

Tuesday night when I was running on the treadmill I saw a fat man spraying paper towels out of the corner of my eye. Then he started walking toward the back of the a pretty gay fashion. He was holding the towels out in front of him with his hands out like a dog's paws when he is begging for a treat.

EW. I'm sorry. But anyone who acts gay like that repulses me. It makes me, I don't know. Weirded out. Anyway, he proceeds to get on the treadmill next to me. His second mistake.

Third and final NASTY EW: he was wearing some kind of floral perfume. Like, a WAY heavy grandma-smelling amount. I didn't want to leave my treadmill cause I had already been on mine for about ten minutes. Plus, I guess I didn't want him to think I was leaving on his account...which I totally would have been!

I spent a total of 45 minutes next to this gay, fat, perfumey man. UGH. I can't believe I endured his musk as long as I did. Needless to say, I will definitely keep my eye out for him in my next visits. It will NOT happen again. Camille has spoken.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

UGH! I hate when stuff like that happens. It's like when someone comes into the gym and get on the treadmill RIGHT next to you when there are tons of other machines open. Don't they know the rule... that you're supposed to go every other treadmill unless you HAVE to do otherwise...?