Sunday, June 12, 2011

Memorable Moments

You know when you sit down at the end of the day and pull out your journal to write about what happened? You usually only write the highlights from the day right?

Like, only the stuff that is really worth remembering...or that have significance to you.

Today my entry should have been:

Had a lovely brunch with my family at The Black Bear Diner. Service was to put it kindly, a little poor. No matter. The blueberry pancakes were delicious! Afterwards, I helped my mom and sis find church dresses to liven up their wardrobes with the help of a little old store called The Dress Barn. After that, we went grocery shopping together. I bought yellow squash that I have just recently discovered tastes fantastic boiled and covered in salt and butter! Then tonight, I ran 7 miles. And swam one mile. It felt so good!

Instead, I wrote thus:
"Sat, June 11, 2011. Loneliness. A word I know all too well. *(Yes, I'm SUCH a drama queen sometimes!)* It is so quiet in this room I think I can hear the water sloshing around inside my stomach and my heart beating thru my ears. I'm bummed tonight cuz I was going to go out on a group date with an old friend and he bailed on me in the late afternoon. So, I opted to go to my ward pool party- exceptI didn't want to go alone cuz I still don't really know too many people in my ward so I would have been in danger of looking like the awkward loner girl at the party. I texted all my roommates but every single one was busy. Go figure. I decided to go run my anger off at the gym instead. I hate feeling like this so why do I let myself?!"

...I wrote some other things but you get the picture. Why do I (maybe insert WE) let ourselves only see the negative in my (our) lives? Why can't the glass be half full? I have 2 working legs, eyes, arms, hands, feet. Isn't that enough to just BE HAPPY!!!! arg.

Now it's 1:38 am. I'm kinda not really so much tired. YouTube, here I come. May you have many many viral videos to put me to sleep.

1 comment:

Lance and Kimberlee said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry Camille. I almost called you last night because I had a night alone too, but I assumed you would be out. My fault! We could've kept each other company.