Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Could Not Ask For More

Wow...this is a fantastic song I'm listening to right now! "I Could Not Ask For More" is sung by Sara Evans or Edwin McCain...both are fantastic versions! It is such a sweet song. If you haven't heard it before I recommend going to YouTube and listening to it.

So, that's not really what I wanted to talk about...I am mostly writing because I can't go to sleep and the reason I can't go to sleep is that I have a guy on my's going to drive me mad. I thought I might make more sense of it if I wrote about it.

Friday night was the ASU Institute Winter Formal dance. I got asked on the Monday previous to that by a guy I just met.

Well, I met him on my birthday in October but I was interested more in his friend so I really didn't pay much attention to him. It's funny how things work out huh? Well, then that guy I liked invited me and some friends to go to a game night this last Saturday, December 1st. My soon to be date was there and we hung out a bit...played a little bit of air hockey and ping pong. (OH the silly activities us Mormons entertain ourselves with).

Then they were closing up the building and as I was leaving this new guy-his name is He for future reference-asked me if I wanted to go see a movie with a bunch of people afterwards. I agreed and gave him my number so he could send me directions or whatnot. We got to the person's house and we watched a sad little movie called "The Waitress" w/ Kerri Russel. (P.S.-it wasn't a very good movie and I wouldn't recommend it to's pretty much all about people cheating on their spouses). Anywho, that was the end of the night. Nothing exciting happened with He then so i don't actually know why I told you that part of the story accept that it was the precursor to the rest of the story...

So, Monday night (the 3rd) He texted me in between my classes at ASU and asked if I had a moment to talk. I was excited because you know if they text you saying that they want to say or ask you something!! So, I said yes and shortly thereafter he called. And, as I suspected, he asked me to the dance. I was thrilled he asked me...What was even cuter about it is that he was surprised that I hadn't been asked! He said something to the affect of, "I can't believe somebody as pretty as you hasn't been asked already." Of course, i was flattered and he told me he would call me later in the week to confirm and relay the Friday night plans.

And, like any over-eager girl, I went out and had to find the perfect wintery dress. And Dillard's had the dress! I wish I had a picture of it but you'll have to trust me when I say it was HOT! It was a spaghetti strap crème colored dress with little sequins all over it. Then I found a creme shrug to go with it and some way awesome gold shoes from Charlotte Russe!

So, Friday came and it was rainy. Not good for a girl in heels! I wasn't about to let that ruin my night though...the decision to curl my hair was shot down though. It would have been a waste.

He was such a gentleman. He waited patiently in my house while I finished getting ready and even talked to my family a bit...already earning bonus points!! Then we went to Oreganos with another couple-which turned out to be one of my girlfriends and the guy I originally liked-his friend. He even jumped out of the car in the rain to see what the wait would be and ran back to us to tell us. Ok, super cute! After dinner at the dance, he was so adorable. He helped me dance some salsa, and swing and he kept spinning me and dipping me. I just melted every time I looked in his eyes and he smiled! Then we went to someone's house after the dance and played a game...all throughout the game we were flirting with one another and playing a little bit of footsie...which is always fun cause no one at the table knows! :)

After an awesome night, he walked me to the door and gave me a hug and said, "let's do this again sometime." To which of course I replied, "definitely!" I texted him about 20 minutes after I got inside and said, "hey, i wanna be your friend on Facebook. What is your last name?" (during the night he told me his sister set up a facebook profile for him recently.) I was dying to know his last name and i was little embarrassed that I didn't know it already. What is really driving me mad though is that he never replied or called back about it! It's terrible because I don't know if he was faking the good time he had with me or if he never got the text, or if he thinks I'm wacko or if he didn't think I was into him...but I totally really was!!! What should I doooo????

1 comment:


haha! You Have a BLOG! they are addicting I've decided :) I saw you at the dance and you looked Hawt Girl! That dress was cute! Boys are nonsense...well they never make sense lol