Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Searching for Cinnamon Oil

What in the world is cinnamon oil?? Ya, I never found out because me and my dad never found any!

We were on the hunt for some this evening because my dad wanted some in his hot chocolate. (Weird to say the least!)

The trip actually started as a Bank run to deposit some checks. Then we stopped by the candy aisle at Fry's to see what kind of holiday delectables were on sale. Sadly we came to the conclusion we didn't really NEED the treats. (Who really does??? These companies make so much money off of our taste buds it's not funny! It's sick!)

So, then my dad thought, "oo..I would love to put some cinnamon in some hot chocolate." We headed down to the cooking aisle to pick some cinnamon oil up which he claims he used to use to douse toothpicks in as a teenager. Silly dad...always working on some little hobby. As I suspected we found extract of every other plant on the earth. (Where does cinnamon come from anyway? Trees perhaps?) Searching the shelf....Vanilla extract, ginko, rosehip, almond something-or-other, ground cinnamon, and cinnamon sticks. No cinnamon OIL. Figures. You'd think my dad would say oh-well. Nope!

On to CVS Pharmacy...cause apparently in the old days drug stores REALLY sold herbs and cooking supplies. Not today. Of course, no oil there. How about Walgreens? about another CVS store?? "Ya, let's try that" he says. Yet again, a resounding no. Last hope-SPROUTS. They are all about health and cooking and all that jazz. Walking in full of hope we walk over to the aisle with all of the tiny bottles that hold the extract of any plant ever to roam the planet. Yeah, we found cinnamon but not the kind you would cook with.

I think we searched for an hour and talked to 10 various employees at all of the stores combined. We left Sprouts with a bag of watermelon licorice and my dad turns to me and says, "Guess I'll have to call the baking store in Tempe. Surely they will have some." hahaha...that's all I could say or do. My dad was officially food crazy! He sure is a determined man! Well, you gotta give him props!

And that was my journey for cinnamon oil...which we never got. I just thought it was funny so I had to tell you. haha...


Geevz said...

yay I found your blog! And you're dad is right, you can use cinnamon oil for all kinds of home remedies. And you can usually use it to eat and cook with if it is a cold pressed oil. (I've become a part time hippy)

bradleyjohn said...

Wow your dad is a determined man. I mean, if he were looking for a sweet cowboy hat or Otter-pops or a good carne asada burrito, I could understand going on a little bit of a search. But cinnamon oil?