Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What a wonderful world...

You know what's cute? When you tell a guy he has pretty eyes and he replies, "They're nothing compared to your smile." Or, When you apologize for having a messy house and he says, "I didn't even notice." And when your tired from a long day and he sings to you even though he said he doesn't sing very well. It's cute when he tells you he is going on a date with another girl when you haven't even DTR-ed yet. When he grabs your hands and kisses them, looks you in the eyes and can see exactly what your thinking and give you a big hug cause he knows...., when he lets you input your own radio station in his car just because, when he tells you your pretty constantly-even though you don't feel it, massages your back even when you don't ask him to, makes an effort to remember your siblings names, tells you that you are the girl of his dreams....and that is just the half of it. I know it's cute because it happened to me....The question on my mind is...do I deserve this? Am I being sweet/gracious in return or is he going to get tired and move on to a more awesome girl?



omg... i knew it!!!!! Its Scott!!!!!!!ahhhh cute cute cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you deserve this? What baloney! You deserve all this and MORE. Goodness, you should know that! You deserve the world.