Thursday, February 21, 2008

Don't Wanna Go To Bed!

AHHH! It always seems like the sun goes down faster on some days...that is today! Maybe some people rejoice in going to bed. And why shouldn't they? Sometimes sleep is what you enjoy most in your day. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my sleep but...I don't think I'm ready for bed yet.

I mostly think I don't want to go to bed because that means tomorrow comes that much faster. Cause face it...once your head hits the pillow (assuming you are a sound sleeper) the next thing you know your stinking alarm clock is freaking out on you and you gotta get up and whack the off or snooze button. (PS-Snooze buttons do nothing but get you in to trouble!) hesitancy to go to bed gets me nowhere either because when morning rolls around I am always mad at myself for not going to bed sooner like I could have. So I'm constantly in a tiff with my morning self and my evening self...if that makes any sense.

I kinda feel like those little 4 year olds that really fight their parents to take that nap in the afternoon...except this is at night and it's an internal battle almost always around 9 pm...I usually end up going to bed around midnight or one. Terrible I know.

Speaking of naps...what a concept u know? Growing up we are told to take a nap and even though we need one we really fight it cause we just want to play. Then we get older and the reverse happens. We still need a nap but we don't have time for one and it's not cause we want to play...cause play has turned into work...that will not escape us.

P.S. The National Sleep Foundation in the United States maintains that eight to nine hours of sleep for adult humans is optimal.

Who the bleep honestly gets that much sleep? (Haha...that rhymed!) And what kind of life do you run that allows you to devote that much time in bed?

P.S.S. That picture is of my sister who FREQUENTLY falls asleep doing her homework...and this time also petting the cat. hahaha...she will NEVER escape the camera


Travis Butterfield said...

I get that much sleep. Pretty regularly, actually. It's the beauty of not having a job, I suppose. ha ha.

Jonathan and Sarah said...

I tagged you in my blog... go check it out!

bradleyjohn said...

Going to bed at 12 or 1 is bad? That is my new goal, and I thought that I was doing pretty good. . . . See, lots of nights I am up til like four. I don't really know why, it just seems like I always have a lot of good stuff to do to waste my time (no, not X Box). However, if I wake up at nine, that is only five hours of sleep, and it's been a little hard lately. So now my goal is twelve. I've only made it once in two weeks I think. But it has gotten closer to two though instead of four, so I'm making progress, right?