Thursday, March 27, 2008

R-O-L-A-I-D-S Spells RELIEF!

Hallelujah!!! I survived hosting my first Enrichment Night. It was on Wednesday, March 26th.

Anything that could and would go wrong the week before, did! It was so insane. I didn't know it was possible to pray all day but it was soo necessary that I just did it. Sunday I had lost the main part of the program (a small home-made video) for Wednesday night and I had no plan B. It was such an awful feeling! I kept saying/thinking everyone is gunna think i'm an idiot and incompetent and ....etc, etc.

I looked high and low on Sunday and Monday for this little video. It was nowhere to be found. My friends looked all over their apt too. Tuesday came and I was beside myself. I was stressing like no other! I was so stressed I forgot my flash drive in my art class. I was so stressed I forgot I had to make up a Geography lab and I forgot I had an Annotated Bibliography due the next day. Soo not good. I was still up at midnight as my mind retraced my steps on Sunday when I lost the video. Then I finally gave up and decided, "well, I'll just get ready for the next day." I started putting things where I would need them the next morning-clothes, books, etc. Then I grabbed a black little cloth bag that had cords in it. And, I realized it sounded and felt like the little tape that I was using for the Enrichment Night. And-what do ya know? It was it! I immediately called my friends and while laughing and crying said, "I found it!"

Relief! Extreme relief! Oh ya, and that flash drive I teacher emailed me and said he found it!!! I'm telling ya....PRAYER SOOOO works!

So, despite the incredibly difficult week I had the event when extremely well. And everyone seemed to like the video I made. (definite sigh of relief). Now, I have 2 1/2 months until the next Enrichment Night. I wonder how that one will go....


Anonymous said...

it was SUCH a good enrichment night Camille! and I am not just saying that. it really was so fantastic and the video was great. you are so great, I love you!

Unknown said...

wednesday night was awesome! and im glad everything worked out for you. the vid was awesome!

indeazgirl said...

Oh my gosh! I had no idea what a crazy week it was for you! I'm so glad everything worked out. I heard it was fantastic!

Unknown said...

i found u on ariana's site.... haha.

Travis Butterfield said...

wow. that sounds crazy. I'm glad it worked out for you.

bradleyjohn said...

That is a lot of people being happy everything worked out for you. . . . Really, I'm just stoked that I got to be in the video :)