Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thinking Too Much

I've decided that I think too much...and I don't really think it's because I'm a girl either...although men may argue that that does contribute to the issue. Sometimes I ask my girlfriends if they ever think about a certain topic at all during the day and then they just stare at me...obvious answer inserted into the silence. That proves it for me that they think i'm strange. I like to call it UNIQUE.

The one thing I was really thinking about today is how much girls think guys are weird and how much guys think girls are weird. I was thinking about it because I was trying to find a solution to it. Why does everyone we don't get a long with weird? And then it came to me. They aren't weird, they're just different. Of course some one is going to look weird to you if you don't agree with their form of social interaction. Like a guy that will come up to you and give you a hug and then slap your butt. Kinda weird, yes! Definitely inappropriate. But, that's his form of greeting...I guess. Ok, maybe that wasn't a good example.
It drives me nuts that we all can't say what's on our mind. Like, if you have feelings for a guy and he doesn't get all the subtle giggling, flirtation, and attention you give him. It's soo hard to just keep doing it knowing he just isn't receiving the vibes. (well, i guess he could be purposely dismissing them but...) Anyways, I just really wish we could tell the opposite sex how we really feel without all of the uncomfortable, "oh i don't reciprocate those feelings" mumbo-jumbo. Then the whole female/male dynamics continue on for ages until you find someone new who captures your attention. And then you have to start your flirtation scheming all over again.

I mention that last paragraph because I have a friend that likes a guy (no, not me!) and she won't tell him how she feels cause-obviously-she is afraid of awkwardness and rejection. I mean, who wouldn't be. But, i'm also all about taking risks. If it doesn't work out...seriously...move on! But, i can't tell her that because she has never even held hands or kissed a guy so...she is an amateur at the relationship stuff. I would have the conversation with the said gentleman but i'm not her mommy....although it probably sounds like I am. haha.

As for myself, you probably have guessed that i'm all talk but rarely do I do the walk. I think about various people and relationship possiblities but then I put it aside because sometimes I think they are better than me and wouldn't even glance at me. I really think everybody has some kind of rating scale in their head. From 1 to 10-"approachable to not even close to seeing me" type thing. There are people I have idolized ever since elementary school and thought wow, I'm not even close to being allowed to say "hi" to them cause they are so above me and therefore don't even notice my existance. How sad to think though cause we are all children of our H.F. and noone person is better than anyone else no matter their intelligence, looks, our personality. So, ok, basically this is getting boring to read and I apologize. I was just trying to make sense of my thoughts today and it looks to me as though I have dug myself a muddy pit and I'm stuck at the bottom with the flies. Oopsy.


Travis Butterfield said...

Camille - just so you know, I think you're one of the coolest girls I know. Any guy would be lucky to date you. It's true. I think it's cool that you think about stuff. I'm the same way. I've always got some issue kicking around in my mind.

I wholeheartedly agree with the whole "I wish we could be more honest" thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't really work. I know, because I'm usually too honest with girls, and it scares them away. I have to learn to pull back, because I always say too much. I don't like playing the games and stuff. But, I guess I have to learn how to do it, since the straight talk method hasn't really worked yet . . .

indeazgirl said...

First off, thanks for posting all over my blog! It totally made my day, especially when I realized how far back you went :o)
Isn't it a blast to figure people out? I'm not a wait-er, really. Pretty quick, "I'm like,"What's up?"
I can't take the tension!!!

Anonymous said...

So, I used to do the whole subtle flirting thing until I found out that really, subtle is subtle, meaning that no one else realizes it but you. I've switched over to simply being straight forward and honest, though it may take me a few days to get around to it. It may be the scariest thing ever sometimes, but even if nothing is returned, it's so nice to just KNOW.

But I agree for sure on the whole "weird" thing. I think the word weird should only apply to inantimate objects or subjects...

And you don't think too much. (Wow. This is long.)

bradleyjohn said...

So, the thought to not be able to say "hi" to someone is completely in your head! If you fake like you're a really big deal for a while (I'm not saying that you're not), then you believe it. But it's a lot easier to think that someone is cool if they believe it, in a not arrogant way. Cause you are a big deal Camille, you won't find a guy that is "so above you." I don't think they're out there.

indeazgirl said...

Your pictures are all so fun!