Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What's new with you?

Well, it seems to me that "what's new with you" is a popular question for those people who become reunited with us college-aged students and post high school young adults. The funny thing about the question...which isn't initially funny at all is that: what they really mean to say is, "Are you seeing anyone and/or are you close to being married?" And you know what my response is? Well...it's not that much of a secret. It's a "no" with a bashful shrug and then I try to morph the conversation into something else because I don't want to talk about why I'm not seeing anyone at this time in my life. Did it ever occur to them that that is not a priority in life right now? Or, that I've dated many-a-men and haven't found "the one" quite yet? Or, ...ok, I don't have anymore excuses!
You know, I really shouldn't get so upset about the question. The inquirer just wants to know how I am doing. But, I wish they would be more interested in how school is going or what I actually do for the 9 hours a week that I work. Or what my hobbies are. (You think I'm a bum since I don't work much? Well...you're wrong. I just find other things to occupy my valuable time. ha)
So, to REALLY answer their question and partially incorporate these ever popular blog lists of things you do/like to do/want to do/have thought about doing...I will tell you "What's new with me!"
  • I manage to squeeze in an embarrasing 2 hours of t.v. watching every day (give or take a few minutes as I watch the commercials after the show because I am resisting getting off my butt and actually getting back to work)

  • I have been increasingly obsessed with germs. I wash and sanitize my hands constantly. I rarely touch the toilet seat, door handles, or railings anywhere public if I can help it.

  • I procrastinate when possible accept when....wait, who am I trying to kid! There are no acceptions

  • I work out because I am enrolled in a weight training class...but I have actually gained weight this semester because I compensate the thought of working out with a bar of chocolate

  • I still own 3 instruments that I have not the slightest clue how to play! ...someday though...someday!

  • I just recently learned how tough it can be to wash your clothes in a bath tub...because my family's washing machine is broken and my dad is the biggest penny pincher.

  • I still go to ASU although I am a full-time student at MCC. Hard work you say? NO, not really...I neglect some classes because the teacher doesn't demand too much from me.

  • I now own probably 25 pairs of shoes but I've only interchanged about 5 of them in the last 6 months. Any one up for switching heels with me?

  • And...the last one is......I can't stand the smell of outside. Cooky- I know. If someone has been playing/running outside and they get near me, I'll just slide my shirt over my nose and mouth so I can't smell them. Maybe I'm a smelling freak but the windy/dirty smell of the outside world is gross and makes me sick to my stomache.

And THAT is "what is new with me".


indeazgirl said...

A couple things. First. I love you. You are hilarious. Two. You can use my washing machine. Three. Don't use too much antibacterial stuff or it will backfire on you. Just go with me on this one. And last of all, do you wear a size 7 1/2? :o)
Have a good night! cc

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Oh Camille... :)

Anonymous said...

if you wear a size 7-7.5, I am SO up for playing shoe swap. also, I know EXACTLY how you feel about when people ask you how you are and really only care about your dating life. another thing, maybe you're gaining weight because you're gaining muscle. the same volume of muscle is more dense than fat. and why are you bashful about not dating anyone currently? embrace it for all the opportunities it presents, for everything you can do this one time in your life, and don't be afraid to occasionally tell someone, "I don't need a guy to give my life value, I'm pretty awesome alone as it is." :]

and that is my schpeal for you.

bradleyjohn said...

I love reading your blog. And tonight I get on and "All By Myself" starts playing. I know it's not really funny to be all by yourself, but it was so funny. It makes the whole dating topic so much more dramatic. You're sweet. And I would trade shoes with you but . . .

Candice said...

I love you Camille, lol. How did I not realize you were a germaphobe?? Don't ever work at a dentist's office, okay? It would be the end of you, trust me. And I like what your friend Ari said; Don't let others make you feel that your self worth is dependent upon whether or not you are dating or in a relationship with someone. Oh yeah-- and enjoy your free time while it lasts. (As you will notice, my current moment of freedom is a freaking 1 in the morning, in which I don't get to sleep in...and thats daily.) Enjoy your days of procrastination while you can lol!! Well I will step off the bossy older sister box. Goodnight :)