Thursday, May 15, 2008

Daily Annoyances: Part 1

These items consist of various activities/happenings that drive me crazy on a regular basis. If it weren't for these things happening over and over, I think life would be a lot easier. I look forward to the day when I can live alone, that way at least some of these items will disappear...of course that probably means other annoyances will take their place.

  1. My car always shocks me when I get out of it
  2. My siblings never refill the toilet paper dispenser leaving me...empty handed
  3. Seeing piddle on the toilet seat
  4. People not flushing the toilet
  5. Hair covering the bathroom counter top &/or sink
  6. People cutting me off in traffic right before a stop light
  7. People taking my personal belongings without asking and not returning them in a respectful manner
  8. Walking by people who are smoking
  9. Sitting by someone in class who just smoked during the break....bleh!
  10. Hitting every red light when I'm in a hurry
  11. ZITS
  12. Boredom
  13. Not enough money
  14. Work
  15. Guys who can't commit or get you emotionally involved and then drop you like a rock
  16. Not getting enough sleep to get me through the day without a nap
  17. Dandruff
  18. Nothing appealing to eat and therefore starving
  19. Eating out....cause it's not good for you
  20. Headaches
  21. Paying too much for gas
  22. Overwhelming discontentment in life
  23. Unending chores
  24. Finding out no one TIVOed my favorite tv show
  25. Being short
  26. Sweating a lot
  27. Being a girl
  28. Being addicted to junk food
    I have found that when I don't exercise, Bad days outweigh the good days...why is that? Maybe because exercising gives you endorphins...."and endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands." (TRIVIA: Guess what movie that quote is from?)


indeazgirl said...

1. haha. kinda funny. maybe if you weren't so electric...
2. Really; just be sad for them that they're addicted and will spend a lot of time in the hospital later.
15. You've got to give him credit for even trying to enter the world of dating. Oh wait. No you don't. Jerk.
18. Totally get you on this.
24. The Internet?
25. You are perfect kissing height.
28.5. Absolutely.

Candice said...

Legally blond!