Friday, May 2, 2008

So much to say, so little time...

So I survived another semester of college. Well, I guess I shouldn't say anything yet because I still have 3 finals to go but...I think it's pretty safe to say that I passed them all with B's or better at this point. This last week of school was really trying...probably not because of school but because of surrounding factors. I.E. Family and church.

My family was causing me stress because my sister INSISTS on stealing my stuff and never asks to borrow any of it. Which drives me up the wall! So, in retaliation I steal from her which makes her mad so she goes and takes more of my, you can see the cycle goes on forever. I really am at my wits end with her and this whole ordeal!!! Like seriously?! How hard is it to ask someone to use their things? Does she think she is entitled to my stuff? Does she think that if she asks I might say no and then she will have to think up a whole new outfit or what? I turn the situation to you readers: What do I do? This girl HONESTLY thinks she can do whatever she wants and it doesn't affect anyone. I'm surprised I don't have gray hair from this kid! (Yep, that's her on the right...look at those evil eyes!...oops, i guess my eyes look evil on the left too...but, mine are fake-promise!!!)

Okay, so then also I have a calling in the RS presidency...which I really didn't think I could handle in the beginning...and i'm realizing...I was RIGHT! I barely managed to pull of an Enrichment event like a month ago. Then shortly after they asked my ward if we would help with the stake Humanitarian newborn kits project. (And I am supposed to be the mediator for the supplies received). Of course I said yes because I would look like a selfish brat or something else if I didn't participate and I did want to do service because it is a wonderful opportunity. My hesitancies were because I am already busy with school assignments, and the project fell around the time I was planning for my friend's bridal shower, and finals happen to fall the same week as the final Humanitarian meeting to put these kits together. I mean, I can only handle so many things at a time!!!! So, somethings got to fall short and I unfortunately decided church would...cause I do NOT want to retake these darn classes at MCC. I refuse to pay double for a science class I didn't feel like I had to take anyways!!!

Now, all my friends at church surely think I'm a flake. I tried to explain to some of them what was going on but I really think that they think I'm just making excuses...which I am but they are true excuses that couldn't be helped. It's tough trying to spread myself out and fulfill my duties if I didn't even want to do them in the first place! I suppose this is where the word "perseverance" comes in to play huh?

So, maybe I just sound super negative now but can I not sound negative when all of this stuff is thrown on my plate and I don't have a fork or spoon to eat it with...figuratively obviously! And I am honestly trying to be positive, see the bright side, yadda-yadda. But, I feel alone. If my life was a song it would be the one that goes..."One is the loneliest number, two can be as sad as one...." But I'll try to just follow my Dove chocolate wrapper...."Don't think about it so much." Of course by thinking about that quote I continue to think..."well, what am I thinking about too much?"....and so goes the cycle! Aye-aye-aye!


Anonymous said...

Your life sounds a little crazy at the moment. You know that if you ever need help with ANYTHING you can call me! Anyways, regardless of whether or not you choose to utilize me, I have something that I think you should know. It is okay to say NO. Promise. I know it's okay because Bishop Matheson told me so, in fact he told me I had to learn how to say it more. And you shouldn't feel bad, especially if you're already booked to capacity! It's weird at first, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. :] Hang in there!

indeazgirl said...

My sister idea: Go in her room. Flop down on her bed. Say, sis (or her real name; i don't know what it is), we need to have a talk. I love you, and I don't think our relationship is as good as it could be. Is there anyway I could make it better? Then talk for a while. Then, at some perfect point, say, "You know that it drives me up the wall when you.....__________________, right?"
And hopefully she'll be in a good enough mood to talk about it.
That's all I got. Good luck with finals. This humanitarian thing will work out fine. If it helps, I totally feel the same way about my calling a lot. grrr...

Candi said...

You Crack me up!!!! Okay are you ready! Sweetheart I am one busy girl! Seriously! I have two jobs, a calling in church, full time student, VP of Devils' Advocates (student organization, a family that is needy, a boyfriend, and I cant forget my friends! Now I’m not trying to ramp on you! But let me help you out......... This is what I do: First of all, you have tell yourself I just need to get through this week, just this week! Second, Plan. You have 24 hours in one day! That is a lot of hours trust me. Yah sure you might think I need to sleep eight hours, no, really you only need six to get by! You can get sleep later that is what I was think, when I have a busy schedule. The third thing is easy, breath! yup don’t forget to breath and ask for help! yah, help!!! You’re right you can’t do everything on your own but if you make a plan, find a balance you should be fine! I know you might be stress, but tell yourself I just have to get through this week! It helps your mind function if you give your self a limit. At the end of the week do something you like to do, like a treat to you!
Oh and your sister thing! yah that might never end but just forget about it, your too busy to be caring about little things like that.
Hope this helps!