Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day...Happy? Hahaha

On Sunday, Father's Day, my dad had to go over to Globe to find a repelling spot for his scouts. So my mom decided she would make it a family activity and pack a little picnic and we all went with him to find somewhere to repel and enjoy nature too. It sounds fun right? Yeah, um it was a LONG day! It started off fine. We drove 2 and a 1/2 hours and got to this waterfall and it wasn't too hot yet and it was gorgeous. We fed the fish some cheese and bread from our sandwiches, took some pictures and video. All the way up my dad didn't see any potential spots to repel because either the mountain/cliff was too steep or there wasn't enough room for leaders to park their cars. I just figured, you know, he'll just have to go back and tell them he gave it a valiant effort but couldn't find anywhere to repel. So I was thinking they could then just turn the scouting trip to only going to Lake Roosevelt, skiing, and fishing and that would be the end.
My dad wouldn't let it be. If anyone knows the definition of perseverance, he does!!! (See this post for further proof)This man is like the kid that puts his hand in the cookie jar but won't surrender the cookie just because his fist won't make it through the opening with the cookie in his hand. Make sense? Needless to say, the day drug on and on because after our sweet little lunch we drove around and around looking for "the perfect cliff". Just when I think he will give up, I hear "Hey, let me just check this last spot out. It looks good!"

Three painfully hot and squished (because I was in the back seat of the truck with two other sisters who, by the way, were bugging the junk out of me!) hours later, we found "the spot" just off of a little bridge and stream/mini-river. I was OH-so relieved. I just really hope the scouts enjoy their repelling cause if not? ....I don't want to hear about it cause I might have to pull my hair out!

1 comment:

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Even though it was a LONG day it sounds like you were able to see some really pretty scenery. That always is a plus especially since we don't live in the prettiest state. Did you get any cool pictures? p.s. I'm glad you have been reading my blog... I love all the comments!