Sunday, June 8, 2008

My bestest friend gets married :(

It's so hard to see all of my friends around me get married while I sit and wonder what to do with the rest of my life. I mean, I really am genuinely happy for them but it's hard for me because I wonder if I'm doing something wrong to not be able to get even one meaningful date, you know?

So, instead of going into the "poor me" road I will just post a few photos of the happy couple...Mr and Mrs Jennings! :)

1 comment:

indeazgirl said...

As long as you are okay with me writing, "I think I'm going to puke" every time you wonder why you're not married, I'll keep commenting on posts like this. You've been out of high school now for a whole 4 years. You have to sift through the entire population of the WORLD to find the one person you really want to spend eternity with and your stressed out that you haven't finished sifting in 4 years? Yes, my friends are all celebrating their 7th wedding anniversaries this is true. But they haven't had the sweet boyfriends I've had, they haven't been to New York, they haven't played momma to sad roommates. There's a good life to be led while you're sifting sister.
I do, however, understand the need for a little make-out once in a while. You deserve that entirely.