Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gettin Out for Free

(Following Pictures courtesy of Cox Splash Playground...I would have taken pictures of me and my sisters playing but there is water all over the place there and I wasn't about to risk ruining my 600 dollar camera just for my blog's sake...sorry, I just won't do it).

Well, in an effort to not stay home all day on my day off, I decided that me and my two younger sisters would visit the Tempe Beach Park. I was really excited especially because I just love playing in the water but also because the last time I was there they had a little sand area where you could dig and build stuff. Sadly when the three of us got over there I didn't see the sand pit anywhere! :( I discovered that they had covered it with a cement walk way. Why did they do that-I may never know. So I had to settle for playing with my sisters somewhere else.

Since this is a highly coveted place (it's free of charge and wet) of play in the summer it's almost always packed with little tykes . Every where you look is a kid running around. I don't blame the parents, that's the place I'd probably take my kids too. It's so awesome, these pictures don't do it justice...even if there isn't a sand pit. There's water guns and mini fountains and little trampoline things that spray down water (hard to describe-sorry). It's got lots of seats for parents to sit and watch. I wish there weren't so many little kids running around so that I could play on the equipment too...I look pretty silly doing it but I feel like I should be allowed to too. (I never saw an age restriction sign so that must mean I am allowed...) If you have never been there I highly recommend at least going and seeing it.

As far as I know, this play park is the only one of its kind. I would love to be wrong and know that there is another one out there...but I'm pretty sure this is all there is and that's why it's always busy. OH ya, another plus, there are life guards there and bathrooms...not that all of the kids don't pee in the water but...adults would probably like to have a sanitary place to go. And, according to the website link above, they chlorinate the water so you don't have to feel all grossed out by that last comment! I'm sure it's true though cause when I went there today I kept getting whiffs of chlorine in the air.

P.S. about my Relief Society Lesson...it went just fine. I got a few hugs and "good job, that lesson was really good" from some girls. That always makes me/anyone feel good. But, you never know if people are just trying to falsely boost your self-esteem...if so, at least I appreciate the gesture. And, thank goodness, I didn't vomit or faint like I had imagined in my head. Next post to come....to get any reader excited...I'm hiking camelback tomorrow, Wednesday...on a date! With an incredibly handsome young man. His name is **********.....haha, like I would really say! Maybe i'll bring my camera. Until then...


Candi said...

Whats his name?? Spill it out! I cant wait to hear about it.

Well I think its funny that you were probably the only adult running around in the water park. Oh my, you sure make me laugh. Really I know you didn't bring your camera cause you didn't want any prof of you and 50 other 8 year olds running around in the water. :) Its okay I am jealous :)

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Yeah! Best be telling us. Those who read your blog deserve to know.

Photography By Jo said...

I want to hear who it is! I totally know what you mean about not taking your camera our to places like that. I need to find me a good smaller camera for things like that. Since I'm sure to be getting wet as well...