Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Living it Up While I Can

I'm now realizing I am not ready for the summer to end. ASU starts on Monday, Aug 25th. It is coming all to quick. I keep looking at my "Summer to-do list" and am wondering how I am ever going to accomplish all of them before Sunday! AHHH!!!! I still have to:
  • wash my car
  • finish reading my latest book
  • clean my room, clean the bathroom
  • watch Single's Second Ward. (Ya, I know, it's silly but I thought I would give it a try)
  • Finish my laundry
  • Take a road trip...ya, pretty unlikely at this point
  • Write in my journal

Also, last week I went to hang out with my sister in Queen Creek and when I got out there I realized it was her anniversary. I felt so bad for forgetting but also glad that I coincidentally chose that specific day to go visit her so I gladly volunteered to babysit her boy so she could go out on a date with her husband to celebrate. They went to see The Dark Knight while me and Andrew (their son) chilled at the house. Every time I see him he gets sillier and sillier! He has so much personality, I love it!!! He is so precious. I have video of him but I don't think it will load cause my computer is lame. I'll post photos though. (and yes, i know I promised some American Idol photos....just keep forgetting. sorry)

I am continually amazed how still he remains when his favorite cartoons come on! :) Duck Tales!!!


Emily Lauren said...

Camille! So fun to find your blog, I'm glad you commented so I could discover it :) I loved those pictures of Andrew. I feel like Candice hasn't posted many pictures of him lately, so it was fun to see. And, that was so nice of you to babysit for their anniversary. Ours is coming up in December. . . j/k
As for the layout of my blog, I'm not really sure why it's that way. I think everyones may be altered since they have uploaded backgrounds, which may limit the posts to the middle of the page. I just use a standard layout from blogger, none of the fancy scrapbook backgrounds, ya know. Anyway, mines the 'minima dark', if you want to know. That's my best guess.
Good luck with school starting. Let the craze begin. . .

Photography By Jo said...

Wow it's been a long time sine I have seen duck tales.

indeazgirl said...

Good luck this semester!! And good luck getting every thing done! Somehow I feel that way every weekend...