Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Celebration!

Okay, I lied. It's not really a Labor Day celebration but it's what I'm doing on this Labor Day so it's my twisted way of celebrating the holiday. Actually, it's not how I would choose to spend my day but being in the College of education in my third (or second to last) semester I really don't have a choice. I'm reading TEXTBOOKS today! Yeah! A big, fat sarcastic YES! (Visualize a Fist gesture up to the sky)

So, just to make you all INCREDIBLY jealous of my planned activities....I will lay out the day's schedule. Perhaps this will help you all visually be depressed about your unplanned fun day off of work/school. And please, no comments about how you could also possibly get so lucky with reading assignments. I cannot tell you how to be so blessed with such an exciting task! :)

Sleep til 9:00, Read 31 pages of Social Studies that Sticks, 24 Pages of On Solid Ground, eat lunch, read 27 pages of The Young Child & Mathematics, 16 pages of They Don't Tell the Truth About the Wind, then perhaps check my ASU email, and do some eBay bidding (another horrible habit I have come to enjoy! I'm in so much trouble), then maybe i'll do some chores and go to bed.

And THAT is what the life of an Early Childhood Major in her first week of the second to last semester of college looks like! Sad thing is, it could be a lot worse. I could have had to write a paper and/or do an observation somewhere.

1 comment:

Candi said...

Dont worry I feel your pain!