Sunday, September 28, 2008

1 Year Anniversary

Well everyone....i've come a LONG way since last year at this time. I have officially made it to my one year mark with this blog. (Plus a few days). I started this blog on September 24th, 2007. I am glad to say I no longer talk about dating as much as I did back then...possibly because I have surrendered to the fact of life that I may be single for a while or...gasp* forever. Whatever.
I've been able to accomplish so much in the past year it's amazing to look back and list all of those things! I won't right now for the sake of time. But, I am one year closer to my most recent and awesome goal of graduation from ASU. It's gunna be so so fantastic! It will be the highlight of my life so far! ...besides getting my first car and living up in Utah for the Summer and going to BYU.
I'm sorry this post isn't real exciting cause there are a billion things going on in my head right now like: To-do lists for tomorrow, and things I need to get done before bed, and things I should be doing instead of this right now and....ya, I guess that's it.This was me Fall last year
And this is me about a month ago...yup, haven't changed much. That's long as I'm not fatter!


Britt said...

congrats on your 1-year mark Chameleon!! I am proud of you. Why don't you make life a little bit more exciting and move up here with me??? Just a suggestion. :)

Jeff and Kelsey said...

So how old are you? At what age did I get married? About 24. dont complain. Enjoy freedom while you can because marriage is nice, but you cant go back to single life. No more toys for me.

Jeff and Kelsey said...

Nevermind, I was 23. Hurry up and get some metal on your finger with a little bling.