Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Bad!

I did a good and bad thing....

As I was studying on my bed at 1 am, I looked over on the floor and a horrid, ugly SCORPION came wandering over. UGH! I hate those creatures. They are creepy and disgusting and almost good for nothing. Note: I said almost because they do eat cockroaches, crickets, and spiders. Anyways, so of course I was a brave little soldier and squashed the little maggot. I had nothing around me except a water bottle so I did a little twist and turn and determined after about 40-50 rotations it was possibly dead. I lifted it up slowly and sure was dead.

So, I most DEFINITELY killed it because it was mangled beyond recognition of being a scorpion. I went and got T.P. (aka toilet paper) and picked it left a brown spot on the carpet. So that bad part about the story is...does anyone know how to get scorpion guts out of the carpet? :(


Liz said...

Wow you totally are brave! I always have to have someone else come and kill the nasty bugs like that! ha ha.

Jonathan and Sarah said...


Photography By Jo said...

Oh I'm so glad I haven't had too many close encounters like that. I can't stand those and cockroaches!

Photography By Jo said...

I hope you post pics on your blog of the makeover! It's fun stuff.

indeazgirl said...

haha. Resolve?