Tuesday, October 21, 2008

23 on the 13th

I haven't decided if 23 is going to be a good age or not. 22 was kind of boring. Had a boyfriend for a month...and that was all shot to heck when I was on vacation for my cousin's wedding in Utah. Oh well. 21...Well, at 21 I felt young and yet still an adult. I would have liked to stay 21 the rest of my life. My butt didn't sag then...I think. My hair was a little thicker back then. I was naive in the subjects I should have been. (I'm sorry if you think being naive at all is bad).

I turned 23 last week and so far I still feel the same...I just really wish I knew what lay ahead for this next year. I expect to graduate in May but I have learned that just because you expect something to happen doesn't mean it will...I expected to be married before now and look where that has gotten me! I couldn't be farther from it and more confused and what I really want in a husband. I'd like to pretend that I will never get married but I can't. I can't just wash that thought down the drain. It's engraved in my little head..."must get married, must not remain single and blah the rest of my life." It would be such a boring life without a companion.
I was watching a Sex and the City episode where the main character Carrie sent out an "unmarried" invitation to all of her friends. She did this because all her single life she has been buying wedding gifts for all her friends as one-by-one they get married. And well, she deserves presents too right? Just because she isn't married doesn't mean she shouldn't celebrate her singledom (is that a word??) Anyway, the point in mentioning that episode is-I AGREE! I deserve presents too if I'm just going to be single the rest of my life. I'm entitled to celebration aren't I?


Merkley Jiating said...

So I am a lame friend. I was going to call you on your birthday but I was on campus from 8am-10pm that day and took two tests. So that is my excuse. But I love you!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

You're right! What is your address so I can send you a present??

Brad and Audrey said...

Hey! I was so excited to hear from you! Sorry work and school is so stressful, just wait until you are done it is all worth it! Do you know how I could get a hold of Kim? Does she have a blog? Well, have a better day!

Brad and Audrey said...
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Brad and Audrey said...

Hey! I was so excited to hear from you! Sorry work and school is so stressful, just wait until you are done it is all worth it! Do you know how I could get a hold of Kim? Does she have a blog? Well, have a better day!

Brad and Audrey said...

Hey! I was so excited to hear from you! Sorry work and school is so stressful, just wait until you are done it is all worth it! Do you know how I could get a hold of Kim? Does she have a blog? Well, have a better day!

Merkley Jiating said...

I am not sure what Sam is planning. I am excited though! I went out to dinner with Michelle, Matthew, Sam, two cousins, and a friend tonight. That was fun!

Anonymous said...

camille! i found you in the blogging world!!

Candi said...

you are so funny.
First of all being 21 was the best. I just 22 and well it seems as if all of a sudden Im on the old list now. Not married, not getting married. Seriously Im with you on the being single part, can we have party were people bring us gifts. :)