Tuesday, October 21, 2008

School Always gets in the Way

I haven't blogged for a while because I have been SO darn busy with school. I shouldn't even be writing this because I have some paperwork to print but whatever...I need a break!

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I have a difficult time juggling homework, an internship, work, and class and still have time for family and friends. It's so complicated. I can't even imagine how it would be if I was still in the Relief Society presidency! BLEH! Anywho, today was a rough day...

Well, let's back up. I had a booklist assignment due today in my reading class today. I was supposed to compile 30 children's books, summarize each one, copy and paste a picture of the book in a word doc and then write the instructional goal also. So, i'm bad at guess-timating...I always have been. I thought I was going to finish this assignment in two sittings. I started it last weekend and left it alone until yesterday at 6:30 pm. If you guessed that was a crumby decision...you, my friend, are right! It was STUPID!

*Sidenote: My brother took the desk I have been working on so I have relocated myself to the front living room of this house so while I work the television and many conversations are going on around me while I work.

I sifted through numerous books, ate food, had family scriptures and prayer, and continued my work...I sat at my computer for..oh...3 hours before I realized, I wasn't even close to finishing. I prepared myself for the longhall by dancing around the room. Sounds silly, yes? Well, it kept me awake so I don't care what you think!

I FINALLY went to bed at 5:15! It royally stunk because I was supposed to get up at 6:30. I quickly changed those plans and nixed the much needed shower.

Well, my alarm went off at 6:50 but I didn't hear it. My sister came in and asked me if she could turn it off. With the intention of getting up right then I told her she could. So what did I do? Ya, closed my eyes! Yet again-STUPID! Woke up at 8:44 (was supposed to be in class at 8:30). I screamed threw on clothes, (forget the facewash or makeup), but I did have to look a little presentable-my class meets at an elementary school-I put my hair in a ponytail! It takes me about 40 minutes to get to class.

So,...right now I have a splitting headache from getting only 3 hours of sleep last night. On the small positive side-I got my assignment done! One step closer to being done with this horribly wretched and stressful semester! I never thought I could feel so inadequate at being a student until I reached the ITC program at ASU.

1 comment:

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Sad.. I'm sorry Camille. I totally know what those days feel like! I'm glad you got the assignment done but getting up late is one of the WORST feelings in the world.