Monday, December 1, 2008


You know, as I was driving home from school today, I happened to look to my left and see a row of apartments with cable dishes hanging off the balconies. I immediately thought, these people are living in contradiction! Surely they don't want to live like this forever?! And if not, what in the world are they doing paying for cable television...especially at an economically unsound time we are living in?!!! It just befuddled me to the point where I was annoyed.

It's so weird because I don't even know these people. I mean, I realize they are entitled to luxuries like any of us but it just seemed flat out stupid to be buying extra television amenities when they probably have difficulty paying for their living situation as it is. Sometimes, I just don't understand people.

Sorry no picture ensues, didn't have my camera with me today...just imagine it.

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