Monday, December 22, 2008

TAG...I'm it 6 Quirks

This time Christin has tagged me and i'm finally responding....

It has taken me a while to isolate just six of the quirks about me because I seriously have SO many! You wouldn’t believe all the weird things I do when I’m with close friends/family or all alone in the house…

1. I talk in voices.
You know, like Robin Williams does in Mrs. Doubtfire. Yes, I have many accents…though I couldn’t articulate what country they are from. They morph into a bunch. I have like alien, child-like talk, Australian/Chinese/French/German speaking voices. It is mainly me and my sister going back and forth talking like this. If you think it’s weird…you’re right as always. But, you would have to admit it spices up a boring day! Try it, you’ll like it! I promise.

2. I pee in the shower.
I’m sorry if you think that is TMI (too much information). Me and my co-workers were talking about it the other day and I just thought I would share it with you. I think it’s funny. I save time and water!

3. I’m O.C.D. about dirt and germs.
I over-analyze almost everything I do throughout the day so I don’t contaminate myself with germs & dirt. I originally thought it was dirt on my hands causing my zits so I began to wash my hands constantly thinking my zits would go away. Ya, wrong. Then, as I began working with young children I started thinking about all the nasty things they do all day and they touch me and I touch my face/mouth…EW!!!! I carry sanitizer on me always. I try not to touch public railings when going up or down stairs. I flush the toilet with my foot. I open bathroom doors with my foot/leg. Under my nails are always clean. I shower every two days. (It would be every day if it weren’t for my wretched dandruff). I clean in between the buttons on my cell phone with a safety pin.

4. I sing when I’m on the toilet.
Hey, it helps pass the time and the bathroom is actually a great room for projecting your voice. It echoes and sounds pretty awesome. I first started doing it in kindergarten…of course my class didn’t appreciate it as much. They all stared at me when I came out of the bathroom. But seriously, try it! …even if you don’t have a good voice like m…I mean. Ya, just try it!

5. I have a Photographic memory.
I thought everyone did until recently. I was in class and my instructor was asking us about our reading assignment. Gosh darn it…I couldn’t remember the answer but I could remember exactly where on the page the answer could be found. Example, “left-center, middle paragraph.” The girl next to me thought that was weird. It’s kinda neat really. If I study well enough, I can envision the information completely as it was on the paper. My question would be…what percent of the population really thinks like this…?

Last but NOT least…
6. My flab has names!
Hahaha…my sister just helped me think of this one. You know, everyone has a little stomach pudge (fat). Well, I do. My extra fat has names. I say names because the name for it changes from day to day. Common names include: George, Frankie, Joe, Peter,….that’s all I can think of now. Occasionally I will make it talk too. My sister freaks out when I make it talk, I just think it’s funny. Come on people! Laugh at yourself a little…either that or be depressed that you don’t have flat abs! Your choice. I choose to have my glass HALF FULL.


Merkley Jiating said...

I do that page location thing too! Also, if I can't think of somebody's name I can almost always remember how many letters are in it and what letter it starts with. Weird.

Jeff and Kelsey said...

I dont have pudge, so I dont have names. So not everyone has pudge. The end.

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Dang Kelsey... must be nice not to have pudge. Wish I didn't. Oh anyway, that was fun to read Camille! You really are a funny duck!!!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Ha I bet Jeff wrote that hah?

lindsay said...

hahaha i love that you admitted to peeing in the shower...i think most people do it but are scared to fess up.

and as far as singing on the toilet, i've only had to resort to that when i'm trying to make myself pee before a trip...then you try to sing all the water or rain songs you particular favorite is "drip drip drop little april showers..."

Geevz said...

I have the memory thing too! Add Emily and we have a great sample of the population.

Gretchen Willmore said...

you know camille, you changed my many years ago??! Anyway...when we were working at jamba you told me that zits come from touching your face with dirty hands and ever since then i have been ocd about touching my face too!!! thanks alot! haha

Photography By Jo said...

hahaha I think I'll have to start coming up with some names!

indeazgirl said...

So I don't know who Merkley is, but I think exactly like her. I rarely see the words clearly, but I always know where it was.
And I ALWAYs forget people's names, but never what they start with.
I love that you sing on the toilet. I can just imagine your kindergarten voice echoing through the hallways!