Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hakuna Matata...

I'm feeling a little bit closer to relieved every day. Why?
Because...student teaching is almost over and I don't have to be all paranoid everyday all day long.
Why am I paranoid?

  • Well, I can't be late to school so I'm pretty much not allowed to touch the snooze button.

  • I have to actually wear decent professional-looking clothes every day.

  • I have online assignments due every week and if they don't get done I can kiss graduation goodbye...that, P.S. I have been working towards for 5 painstaking YEARS.

  • My bank account is running low and I still have monthly bills...regardless of no job status.

  • I have to be progressing each week in my ability to teach so I can get a good eval from my super awesome ASU supervisor & mentor teacher

  • I'm getting lazier and lazier by the day

  • I mis-calculated my end-date and I have to student teach one week longer than I anticipated...urg!

On the bright side, it's AIMS testing this week and all I'm really doing is watching the kids fill in bubbles all week. Yeah! :)

Another side note, I curled my hair for the first time in a long time and I think it turned out pretty nice...too bad it took an hour to do or I'd plan on doing that all the time now. It's this new way to curl your hair where you just wrap the hair around the outside of the curling iron in big chunks and it gives you a wavy curl instead of tight kinky curls...which is what I'm used to.


Katie said...

I like the hair!!

Michele said...

I love your hair! I've been trying to do that without success.

Jeremy Jo and EmmaLee Tiny said...

I love your hair!!!! It makes me wish that mine was still long so I can try. :( Well, I quess I'll just have to grow it out. :)

The stuff we have is mostly just odds and ends. I think we decided to keep most of our furniture. We are taking it all to DI today I think.

Candi said...

love the hair!!
Sorry to hear about the extra week you will have to teach! :(

The Blakes said...

It's your old soccer buddy from WESTWOOD! Looks like you are doing awesome. You're hair looks way cute, looove it. P.S. your video cracked me up.

Steph said...

Gotta love the "taking your own picture while driving!" pictures! Yay for only 5 more weeks of this Semester!

Kate said...

I love the hair! Your pic is so cool!