Tuesday, March 3, 2009

That Little TWO-TIMING son of a gun!

...just when I thought I knew how the bachelor was gunna end they had to go and make it more climatic. (I mean, I knew the bachelor was in its ump-teenth season, but I didn't know they would stoop to such low conquests to reach more viewers!)

OH my GOSH! My family "DVR-ed" it and we forwarded through the lame old "i love both of them in very different ways" crap. When he proposed to Melissa my eyes were SERIOUSLY tearing up. He was so much better suited for her than Molly...in my opinion of course. All Jason and Molly ever did was KISS...which is ridiculous b/c that is not all a relationship is built on. And Melissa handled the breakup SO classy. She didn't cuss him out in the limo or anything! (I probably would have).

Last but NOT least, what self-respecting woman would take Jason back after that all happened. I mean, does Molly SERIOUSLY believe he would never dump her like he dumped Melissa!?!
And, Question: Do you know how much time has passed since the proposal and the "Final Rose recap"?? My brother said only 6 weeks so what was all that talk about Jason spending holidays with Melissa? ...no holidays could have passed in 6 weeks!!!!

I am outraged. I really think Jason wants more money...that's my only explanation for this insanity!

That's all...thanks for listening!


Merkley Jiating said...

Oh my angry little friend! I don't watch that show but another friend of mine blogged about it and I think you would enjoy her post.

Amy Legler said...

Totally with you! FYI...the show really ended in Nov, so in 6 weeks they had Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. But none the less, I totally agree that how does Molly know he isn't going to dump her and want to go back to Mel or anything. Just like you, I was pretty upset over it on Monday night :)

Britt said...

My roomies were watching it so I decided to join them for the past 2 weeks or so and I totally agree- I was outraged!!!! I didn't even watch the whole season and I still think he's an idiot. The fact that he is an imbecile actually popped into my head as I was driving to work today.
However, I think we have a bigger problem than Jason if people actually think it is all real! :)