Monday, February 23, 2009

A Little Bit of News...

So...Today was the day. Today was the day I found out if I lived or died. Jk. I found out my AEPA score...You know...the test I talked about in this post AND this post! (Ya, it was KINDA important to me!)
I was so nervous my hands were shaking. I was ready to cry at the same time too...
Well, I opened my email and saw the most glorious of glorious things, the word PASSED. I immediately jumped up and down screaming, "Yeah!" I wish I had money or I'd actually have celebrated by buying a gallon of ice cream and a pound of chocolate...yep, I was willing to get fat over the matter. Psycho? Yes.

Now I can go on with the application process for some school districts...unfortunately, the bad economy has me a little worried. An art teacher at the school I'm placed at says that Gilbert Public Schools has put a hiring freeze on incoming teachers. MEANING- they will NOT accept any new teachers next year. Perfect right? Now what?

Oh, I know! ...I'll just graduate from ASU and do NOTHING...Ya. That sounds good! Do I sound annoyed? I hope so, cause I AM! Despite that news, today- good day! It was a car singing, cheesecake eating, skip down the street to the mail box, bubble bath, wonderful day. :)


Geevz said...

Hooray! I don't think anyone realizes how freakin hard those AEPA tests are. The biology teacher one was absolutely insane. I'm super excited for you. Chandler or Higley is going to be you best chance for a job. Might want to try Queen Creek too. Just focus on how you passed!

Katie said...

YAY! Congrats!

indeazgirl said...

CongraTULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! And I'm sure some school district will swoop u right up!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Camille! That is sooo AWESOME! Congratulations! I have heard that those tests are hard. All of your diligent work has finally paid off. I agree with Geneva, just relish in the fact that you passed. No one is getting jobs right now... I totally know the feeling of being a college graduate without a job. :( I really am happy for you though. What a relief!!!

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! You will find a job in no time. Might not be your first choice in placement but you will find your fit sure enough! Yahoo for you!!!

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Congrats!You will find a place perfect for you soon enough! Yahoo for you!

Amy Legler said...


Photography By Jo said...

Congrats!!! That's exciting!

Lindsey said...

Congrats! I'm taking my AEPA tests THIS Saturday. As in the day after tomorrow. I'm so nervous...