Friday, April 3, 2009

Wo is Me & Probably You

You know you live in 2009 when...
  • You know what a "hiring freeze" is.

  • A third grader knows more than you do at age 23! ...and not in a good way.

  • Your brother and sister in law slept on a bunk bed for close to 5 months...wait, no, that one isn't specific to 2009...or is it...they couldn't get a house...

  • A person can give birth to 8 babies in one day.

  • A 40 year old can date a 20 year old and get away with it. GROSS.

  • Camille is graduating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Merkley Jiating said...

Clever! And congratulations!

Britt said...

Camille- YAY you are graduating. What are the plans? I am coming down next weekend- are you gonna have any time?

Amy Legler said...

Camille you will never know how much I love reading your blog! Congratulations on graduating!!!!
PS - I thought of you last week when we were at Scott's getting our taxes done :)

Candi said...

Hurray, love it! The amazing things you can do... pretty odd!

Jeff and Kelsey said...

For your information, that was torture living in that small amount of space. Its kind of wierd having several rooms to do with as we please now. Especially since I have a room to do with as I please!!!!

Geevz said...

Yay yay yay for graduating!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Yay for graduation!!!

indeazgirl said...

When I was 22 I dated a 37 year old for a little bit. He's still one of my very best friends.
Terrible about the bunk bed situation.
Terribly horribly about hiring freezes.
Freaking awesome about you graduating.
Nice job!