Monday, June 1, 2009

It's Pretty Weird

To be looking for someone else's car in the parking lot. I went to the store and bought groceries and then left the store looking for a car but I realized...I'm gunna have to train my brain to look for a green Saturn instead of a pearl white one.

Since I don't have my own car up here in Alaska, the family I work for was oh so kind enough to lend me one of theirs.

It's different than mine in that is an automatic. It smells a little bit like dog. But it drives great and I LOVE being able to drive instead of walk everywhere.

Today I'm trying to secure a place to live...I have a few leads but nothing set in stone yet...hopefully I can get something REAL soon. Here's Hoping! (crossing fingers)

P.S. I tried to upload some videos I took of the Alaska scenery but the hotel internet is a little sketchy and my lap top is lame so...Sketchy+Lame=No Videos. Wah.

P.S.S. I watched the Lifetime movie Maneater and actually LOVED LOVED LOVED it. Ya, I'm good for a cheesy movie. I recommend watching it somehow if you can. It was long but cute and witty....and of course, happy ending!

1 comment:

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Ok so where the heck are you up there? I have a friend who just got home from his mission and lives up there... maybe if you two are near eachother... well... you know ;)