Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yes, It's Been a While

Yes, I've been busy.
No, I haven't had internet.
Yes, it's still beautiful here...despite the lack of pictures.

I've gone to McDonalds more in the past 2 weeks (Only 3 times) than I have in all of last year. Man, that's weird to say. That's like one of the few main fast food restaurants here in Juneau that I recognize from AZ, the other ones are Subway...which I hear the "5 dollar footlong" is no longer 5 dollars here...and Papa Murphy's pizza *which is referred to as Papa John's in AZ.

The grocery store I frequent here is Fred Meyers...aka Fry's in AZ...or Wal Mart. Of course, Wal Mart has a universal name and doesn't change by geographic location. Why can't every place be like that? Why must our names change? What's so special about certain areas of the world that makes them entitled to change the names of places.

Also, I would put up pics of the children but I haven't asked the mom for approval yet. AND, I would put up pictures like I keep promising but I'm not on my own computer.
Another time perhaps. TTFN (Ta Ta for Now)


Molly said...

Ummm....weird Question, if you feel like getting out ever, my step brother is in Jueno (sp?) ANd he would take you out! He is really fun (not anything like my brother richard...dont get worried)But if you are interested call/text me and I can give him your number. mine is 480-593-1888

Jonathan and Sarah said...

There actually is a Papa Murphy's here and it is not Papa John's. They are two separate pizza places. Sounds like you're getting along well. Where do you live now? Are you still in a hotel? How are things going with that guy you met?

Merkley Jiating said...

Papa John's and Papa Murphy's are actually totally separate. Papa Murphy's is where you buy the pizza and take it home and cook it! It is delicious though!